ICT Previous Questions
(June 2009 to
June 2012)
1. Which of the following is not
related to information security on the Internet ?
(A) Data Encryption
(B) Water marking
(C) Data Hiding
(D) Information Retrieval
2. Which is the largest unit of storage
among the following ?
(A) Terabyte
(B) Megabyte
(C) Kilobyte
(D) Gigabyte
3. bit stands for
(A) binary information term
(C) binary tree
(B) binary digit
(D) Bivariate Theory
4. Which one of the following is not a
linear data structure ?
(A) Array
(B) Binary Tree
(C) Queue
(D) Stack
5. Which one of the following is not a
network device ?
(A) Router
(B) Switch
(C) Hu b
6. A compiler is used to convert the
following to object code which can be executed
(A) High-level language
(B) Low-level language
(C) Assembly language
(D)Natural language
7. Which number system is usually
followed in a typical 32-bit computer ?
(A) 2
(B) 8
(C) 10
(D) 16
8. Which one of the following is an
example of Operating System ?
(A) Microsoft Word
(B) Microsoft Excel
(C) Microsoft Access
(D) Microsoft Windows
9. Which one of the following represent
the binary equivalent of the decimal number 23 ?
(A) 01011
(C) 10011
(B) 10111
(D) None of the above
10. Which one of the following is
different from other members ?
(A) Google
(B) Windows
(C) Linux
(D) Mac
11. Where does a computer add and
compare its data ?
(B) Memory
(C) Hard disk
(D) Floppy disk
12. Computers on an internet are
identified by
(A) e-mail address
(C) IP address
(B) street address
(D) None of the above
13. Which one of the following is not
an Internet Service Provider (ISP) ?
(C) ERNET India
(D) Infotech India Ltd.
14. The hexadecimal number system
consists of the symbols
(A) 0 – 7
(B) 0 – 9 , A – F
(C) 0 – 7, A – F
(D) None of these
15. The binary equivalent of (–15)10
is (2’s complement system is used)
(A) 11110001
(B) 11110000
(C) 10001111
(D) None of these
16. 1 GB is equal to
(A) 230 bits
(C) 220 bits
(B) 230 bytes
(D) 220 bytes
17. The set of computer programs that
manage the hardware/software of a computer is called
(A) Compiler system
(B) Operation system
(C) Operating system
(D) None of these
18. S/MIME in Internet technology
stands for
(A) Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail
(B) Secure Multimedia Internet Mail
(C) Simple Multipurpose Internet Mail
(D) Simple Multimedia Internet Mail
19. TCP/IP is necessary if one is to
connect to the
(A) Phone lines
(C) Internet
(D) a Server
20. Each character on the keyboard of
computer has an ASCII value which stands for
(A) American Stock Code for
Information Interchange
(B) American Standard Code for
Information Interchange
(C) African Standard Code for
Information Interchange
(D) Adaptable Standard Code for
Information Change
21. Which of the following is not a
programming language ?
(A) Pascal
(B) Microsoft Office
(C) Java
(D) C++
22. Minimum number of bits required to
store any 3 digit decimal number is equal to
(A) 3
(B) 5
(C) 8
(D) 10
23. Internet explorer is a type of
(A) Operating System
(C) Browser
(B) Compiler
(D) IP address
24. POP3 and IMAP are e-mail accounts
in which
(A) One automatically gets one’s
mail everyday
(B) One has to be connected to the
server to read or write one’s mail
(C) One only has to be connected to
the server to send and receive email
(D) One does not need any telephone
25 Which of the following operating
system is used on mobile phones ?
(A) Windows Vista
(B) Android
(C) Windows XP
(D) All of the above
26. If (y)x represents a number y in
base x, then which of the following numbers is smallest of all ?
(A) (1111)2
(B) (1111)8
(C) (1111)10
(D) (1111)16
27. High level programming language can
be converted to machine language using which of the following ?
(A) Oracle
(B) Compiler
(C) Mat lab
(D) Assembler
28. HTML is used to create
(A) machine language program
(B) high level program
(C) web page
(D) web server
29. The term DNS stands for
(A) Domain Name System
(B) Defense Nuclear System
(C) Downloadable New Software
(D) Dependent Name Server
30. IPv4 and IPv6 are addresses used to
identify computers on the internet. Find the correct statement out of
following :
(A) Number of bits required for IPv4
address is more than number of bits required for IPv6 address.
(B) Number of bits required for IPv4
address is same as number of bits required for IPv6 address.
(C) Number of bits required for IPv4
address is less than number of bits required for IPv6 address.
(D) Nu mber of bits required for IPv4
address is 64.
31. The octal number system consists of
the following symbols :
(A) 0 – 7
(B) 0 – 9
(C) 0 – 9, A – F
(D) None of the above
32. The binary equivalent of (–19)10
in signed magnitude system is
(A) 11101100
(B) 11101101
(C) 10010011
(D) None of these
33. DNS in internet technology stands
(A) Dynamic Name System
(B) Domain Name System
(C) Distributed Name System
(D) None of these
34. HTML stands for
(A) Hyper Text Markup Language
(B) Hyper Text Manipulation Language
(C) Hyper Text Managing Links
(D) Hyper Text Manipulating Links
35. Which of the following is type of
(A) Ethernet
(B) Token Ring
(D) All of the above
36. Which of the following statements
is true ?
(A) Smart cards do not require an
operating system.
(B) Smart cards and PCs use some
operating system.
(C) COS is smart card operating
(D) The communication between reader
and card is in full duplex mode.
37. What is blog ?
(A) Online music
(B) Intranet
(C) A personal or corporate website in
the form of an online journal
(D) A personal or corporate Google
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